Spirit Breakfast π☕ 14/1/2020

Topic: The mercy and faithfulness of God Text: Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, The Christian walk though a hard one that requires utmost discipline isn't one we walk alone. Though we are to maintain high morals and live perfect, we don't acheive this ourselves. A fundamental truth reverberates throughout scripture that our excelling in spiritual matters is not an independent function of ours. Rather, our ability to live lives that reflects the utmost level of purity that brings glory to God is a function of our dependency on the faithfulness of God. The faithfulness of God is a spiritual mechanism that ensures the grace of God is not wasted in our lives. Despite the challenges and weakness, a man who keys into this aspect of God experiences victory in the end. Therefore, God's faithfulness is what keeps us from falling and not our discipline alone. ...