Spirit Breakfast 🍞☕ 6/1/2020

Topic: Evil communications corrupt good manners

Text: 1 Corinthians 15:33
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

The renowned businessman and personal development guru Jim Rohn made a popular quote regarding our association/company.

He said, "You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with".

This is not only morally true but has been found to be scientifically proven.

Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler conducted a study on the breadth of social influence. They analyzed data to see the effects of family members and friends on a particular issue. They chose to look at the issue of obesity and smoking. 

They discovered that if a friend of yours becomes obese, you yourself are 45 percent more likely than chance to gain weight over the next two to four years.   

They also found out that if your friend smokes, you are 61 percent more likely to be a smoker yourself.

Why is this the case? It's because what you're used to seeing over time gradually registers in your mind as being the norm.

When you're associated with friends who exhibit a particular trait, over time, your brain registers it as being normal and you also begin to practice such.

It's always easy to pick up a bad habit than a good one. It takes discipline to do what's right. The human nature encourages lawlessness. It takes a nature that has been tempered by the Spirit of God to exhibit goodness.

This corruption goes beyond just those we are close to. We are affected by the celebrities we follow,  songs we listen to consistently, etc.

The low morals seen in our society is a product of the kind of music we listen to. Hence, such has become the norm over time.

What is being communicated to you daily? Take stock of this, refuse negativity, embrace only that which is good.

Have a great day...



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