Spirit Breakfast ๐Ÿž☕ 3/1/2020

Topic: How is the Gold Become Dim?

Bible Text: Lamentations 4:1
How is the gold become dim! how is the most fine gold changed! the stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street.

"Gold is a precious metal, remarkable on account of its unique and beautiful yellow colour, lustre, high specific gravity, and freedom from liability to rust or tarnish when exposed to the air." — Century Dictionary.

Its visage is attractive which makes it suitable for adding beauty to wherever it is placed.

However, there is a place gold isn't supposed to be.

Proverbs 11:22 says "As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion."

A swine (pig) does not appreciate or value gold. Even if it's on it's snout it will still enter into the mud with it.

The Hebrew word for 'dim' in the text is 'รขmam'.

Strong's Concordance explains it as: 'to associate; by implication, to overshadow (by huddling together):—become dim, hide.'

What this means is that gold can become dim as a result of associatio: Association so great that it overshadows the original value of the gold.

24-karat is pure gold. It is not mixed (associated) with any other metal. This is why 24-karat gold does not rust or lose its bright appearance.

Other karat gold are mixture. That is they are associated with other metals. Because these metals react to oxygen unlike pure gold, they begin to change the overall bright appearance of the gold.

The higher the degree of association, the less shiny the gold appears.

"Has your value and worth become dim?"

The gold in the text were the princes of Zion. They were as precious and valuable as gold. However, because of their wrong association with sin and idolatry. They lost value.

You are precious because God made you so. However your association determines a great deal how valuable you are and how others will see and appreciate that value.

Gold is not be found on the ground of the streets, it is not to be found in the nose of a pig, it is to be found in the palaces of Kings.

Stop devaluing yourself by associating with people who won't bring out the best in you.

You're a gold, see yourself as such, treat yourself that way.

Have a blessed day...



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