*Spirit Breakfast* 🍞☕ _12th March 2019_

*Theme:* *Stop fooling yourself"*

*Anchor Text:* James 1:26&27 (New Living Translation)
26 If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.

During the Greek era, the word 'barbarian' was used as a term to refer to those who did not speak Greek and didn't act in conformity to the Greecian lifestyle. To the Greek, a distinguishing factor was the language one spoke and the lifestyle they practised.

A distinguishing factor that attests to the royalty and separate class of a child of God is the ability to control the tongue.

Your ancestry in Christ Jesus is traced back to God the Father and He has full control of 'His tongue' and uses it to control the world.

Inability to control the tongue is regarded as fooling yourself according to our anchor text.

Your words are supposed to be pure and wholesome. Jesus said: 'Anytime I speak, spirit and life is sent out' (paraphrased)

As a child of God, when you speak, what goes forth? Does your hearer hear the words you speak and is lifted and encouraged or your words bring a person's spirit low?

Do you speak negatively that causes others and even yourself to lose hope in the awesome ability of God to work despite impossible situations?

The 10 spies with their words doomed the people of Israel yet they felt they were being truthful. *'Truth is a function of what God says and not what you see'*

You're no barbarian, you're Royalty: act like it in the words you speak.

Stay Graced...


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