*Spirit Breakfast* 🍞☕ _25/3/2019_

*Theme:* "We are instructed to hate?*

*Text:* Luke 14:26
_[26]If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple._

The Lord Jesus while on earth made quite a number of hard statements. But one of them that really would shock most people today will be that in the text above.

As the Master was always full of love and preached love, this statement would seem like it wasn't said by Him. Yet Jesus knew the implication of what He said.

He knew that when it comes to being a disciple, if the love you have for a person is overwhelming, it can hinder your discipleship. We know of spouses who stopped following the Lord because of the love they had for their partners who wanted otherwise.

When the Master made the statement, He meant NO ONE should have that authority to influence your decision as regards being His disciple. He meant that NO ONE should have your absolute love; that should be for Him alone.

The use of words in those days was different than our usage today. When He used the word _miseo_ for hate, it was in a context of  comparison. When used in such manner, the word _miseo_ refers to _loving less_ and not outright hatred.

To support that point let's see another usage of the word _miseo_ by Jesus.
John 12:25
_[25]He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal._

If Jesus was teaching us to hate others, then He was teaching us to hate ourselves too. And what you hate you don't take care of; so Jesus would have been teaching us to completely neglect the care of ourselves if that's what He meant. Rather He meant we should love our lives less than our love for Him.

No matter how you love your spouse, you must love him/her less than Jesus and it is practical in nature.
*NO ONE should have your absolute love (the point where you can do literally anything for that person). Your absolute and Ultimate love should be for Chris alone.*
*Your discipleship with Jesus is far more important than your relationship with anyone*

Stay Graced...


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