*Spirit Breakfast* 🍞☕ _9/4/2019_

*Theme:* *No Child Gets Left Behind*

Matthew 18:2-5 Message Bible
2-5 For an answer Jesus called over a child, whom he stood in the middle of the room, and said, “I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom.

The 2014 movie 'Left Behind' which starred Nicolas Cage, is a mabout the rapture. In the movie, one theme that was prevalent is the fact that all the children around the world 'vanished'.

The nursery beds in the hospital were all empty. Leaving behind just the wrapping shawls and the cloths of these babies. Older children who were with their parents or guardians in the mall, planes and all over the cities also 'vanished' leaving behind their cloths and belongings and in some cases left them in their parent's arms as they got raptured while they were carried.

This theme in the movie re-emphasizes what Jesus was trying to pass across to His disciples in our anchor text: "The kingdom of heaven is for children: God's children. 

The heart of a child is pure and simple.
A child will play with any other child unless told not to by an adult.
A child is trusting of anyone he or she comes across. That's why it's easy for them to accept gifts from strangers.
A child will readily smile and laugh with anyone.
A child easily forgets when hurt or wronged.
A child readily believes in the ability of his or her parent to provide, protect and be there for them at all times.

We are called to spiritual maturity but we are never to outgrow our childlike simplicity.
Our childlike nature of absolute trust in our Father.
Our childlike nature of total dependence on our Father.
Our childlike nature of helplessness wherein only our Father can help us.
Our childlike nature of loving genuinely all around us.

We are children of God and none of His children gets left behind. None of His children gets abandoned or forsaken.

If you know you are not a child of God, you need to make a decision today. A day is coming when this "fabled-story" will become a reality. When it happens, being left behind will be the worst thing that would ever happen to you. The Bible says: 'two shall be together and one shall be taken'. Why don't you make that choice that in the eventuality where only one would be taken that you would be the one. It all starts with a simple decision. You too can become a child who is assured that when it's time you'll not get left behind.

Send me a private message or leave a comment. Allow me to lead you through this process. After all what else can you lose than losing a spot among those who'll be left behind here to face tribulation and suffering? Jesus loves you...

Stay Graced...


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