Spirit Breakfast๐Ÿž☕ 24/4/2020

*Topic: The Builder*

*Text: Hebrews 3:4 (New Living Translation)*
_For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God._

By common sense we agree that no house came to be on its own.

Every house was built by a builder.

It stands to reason that the universe also came to existence by the intellect of a Wise Builder.

The intricately arranged pattern and attention to detail in design attest to the brilliance of an Intellectual mind at work.

The artistic tapestry of the universe woven together to complement each other components cannot be said to have occurred by chance.

The complexity of even human DNA as well as it's individuality points to the work of a Master Designer.

With all that's happening around the world today, just sit down and reflect on the wonderful work of the Builder.

Have a Graced day...



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