Spiritual Access Points (III)

Spirit Breakfast 6/1/2021

Text: Genesis 28:12

And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

This morning, we'll be turning our attention to how physical locations serve as spiritual acess points. 

But before we go into that, we must understand that not every location upon the face of the Earth carries the same level of access to heaven.

Although God is Omnipresent, His manifest presence is not present at every location upon the Earth. 

For example, the shrine of a native priest cannot be said to be a spiritual access point to heaven even though God is present there. 

Locations that serve as spiritual access points are characterized by spiritual investments. 

Spiritual investments can be Divinely or humanly deposited.

Across scripture, we discover certain locations that served as spiritual access points. They include:

The Garden in Eden, Bethel, Mount Horeb/Sinai which is called the mountain of God, the Tabernacle, Shiloh, the Temple in Jerusalem, etc. 

Speaking of Mount Horeb for example, there was a strong deposit of spritual investment there first by God who chose it as His Holy Ground, and also by Moses as a result of His extensive spiritual encounters upon the Mount. 

In 1 Kings 19:8, we see the prophet Elijah journeying for 40 days and nights to Mount Horeb. 

It was when he stood on the Mount he got the wind, earthquake, fire, and still voice encounter that gave instructions for the next succession of prophet and Kings. 

Although, God could have spoken to him anywhere, clarity was acheived when he was at the Mount of God Horeb. 

And indeed, God can speak to us anywhere, but there are certain revelations that will only come when one is in a location that serves as a spiritual access point. 

Even Jesus had to instruct the disciples to tarry in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit. Why not anywhere else?

It is because at that point God had ordained Jerusalem to serve as the access point that will usher in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit.

Beloved, there are truly locations upon this Earth that God and man have invested much in, thereby making those places portals to heaven, and God wants to use you and I to create more of such upon the Earth. 

The question is are you ready?

Let's continue tomorrow by God's Grace...

I pray that you enter into deeper revelation of the knowledge of God today in Jesus name. 

Have a graced day...







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