Spiritual Access Points (V)

Spirit Breakfast 8/1/2021

Text: Genesis 28:12

And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

Another way a location can be made into a spiritual access point is by investment of continuous prayers. 

Prayer is not a means to get something from God. Rather, prayer is a means of establishing a connection between two dimensions. 

Therefore, the greater the prayers offered upon a particular location, the easier the connection to the Divine. 

Prayer mountains obtain their ability to serve as spiritual access points through this process. 

A location that is bereft of prayer will lack the divine manifest presence of God. 

Through prayer a man can make his room a portal to heaven.

Daniel's room was one of such locations by reason of his continuous prayer he never lacked divine visitations, visions, revelations, and answers. 

There is a spiritual aura that prayer generates which when done over time has a residual effect even after the prayer action has been stopped. 

A spiritually sensitive person can detect locations that have a deep investment of prayer and can profit from it by making requests to God. 

Want to see more of God's manifestation this year? Then set up your house or your room as a spiritual access point by investment protracted and continuous seasons of prayers. 

This day, I decree sorrow shall not be named among you in Jesus name. 

Have a graced day...






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