Spiritual Access Points (VII)

Spirit Breakfast 12/1/2021

Text: Genesis 28:12

And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

So far, we've discussed how a location can function as a spiritual access point. 

From this point, we'll focus on how individuals function as spiritual access points and how you can become one. 

This aspect is very important because one may not always be present in a location where he/she has established as a spiritual access point. 

Therefore, one must become a spiritual access point that carries the manifest presence of God down to whichever location they find themselves.

The fundamental factor that enables a man to serve as a spiritual portal to heaven is the inherent truth that man possesses the Spirit and nature of God. 

While fallen man lost this nature, a man who has been reGENErated, once again carries the God DNA and GENE within his spirit. 

Therefore, connection is established through which an individual can reach out to God. However, when it come to functioning as a spiritual access point, that is another dimension. 

When a man functions as a spiritual access point, others who come in contact with him are able to access spiritual possibilities and fresh dimensions in God that they would not have encountered on their own. 

There are certain men you meet and certain spiritual realities just become possible. Such men have through many processes made themselves into portals to the Divine.

Two men in the Bible are perfect examples of this. One is from the Old Testament, while the other is from the New Testament. 

From tomorrow by God's grace, we will use their lives as templates to establish how they became spiritual access points. 

I decree that barrenness of any kind is changed to fruitfulness. I reecho the original decree in Genesis and I speak unto you; "Be fruitful" in Jesus name. 

Have a graced day...







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