Spirit Breakfast 🍞☕ 14/5/2020

Topic: Lessons from the Tabernacle during Eli's Time (Part 1)

Text: 1 Samuel 3:1-4 (New Living Translation)
[1]Meanwhile, the boy Samuel served the lord by assisting Eli. Now in those days messages from the lord were very rare, and visions were quite uncommon.

The Tabernacle was supposed to be a meeting place where God will come to speak to the leaders of Israel who will then relate it to the people.

However, in our text we discover an aberration from that which was instituted.

Messages from the Lord became a rare occurrence. Visions became uncommon.

Israel during the time of Eli were left to their whim. There was no Divine word to guide them so everyone wandered as they pleased.

God always spoke to Moses at the Tabernacle. The messages were guiding light and compass to the people. But when it came to Eli, everything was turned upside down.

Let's shift our focus a bit from Eli and look at ourselves today.

How powerful are the messages we receive from the Lord? I don't mean the prophetic "I saw you" kind of message.

Messages from the Lord were powerful to instruct and direct the destiny of nations.

Prophets of old were spiritual echoes of the voice of the Lord over nations. They decreed edicts, judgements and counsels of Yahweh.

When a people lose divine instructions, they lose direction.

The whole world is in confusion, many leaders are helpless and clueless. The church should know the way and lead the world in these times.

Men of old spoke words from God that made kingdoms quake and tremble. Now the church quake and tremble at the words of kings because we haven't been hearing from our own KING!

I pray that God restores us and cause us to hear the messages and see the visions that can lead and direct nations in these times.

Have a graced day...



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