Spirit Breakfast 🍞☕ 4/5/2020

TOPIC: The result of perversion of truth and justice

TEXT: Micah 3:5-12

One the greatest failure of mankind is in leadership.

The tool for the progress of a society is leadership. Hence, when the leader fails, progress is halted.

The text above could as well be directed to us in this day and age.

The leaders both spiritual and political were leading the people wrongly.

Lying, bribery and corruption were the order of the day. These leaders did this to enrich themselves.

There was no truth or justice in the land. Truth and justice was determined by who could pay more.

If you had the money the verdict would swing to your favour. This was the pattern then and we find it repeating itself in our society today.

As a result, God declared judgement upon Jerusalem. The leaders (spiritual and political) drove the nation to ruin.

But before you start pointing fingers at the government and religious leaders,  I'll like you to consider yourself first.

A great society is a function of the caliber of individuals it is made up of.

The top echelon of leadership is a reflection of the collective of those at the bottom. Because it is from the bottom individuals ascend to leadership at the top.

Ask yourself, "Do you lie to save face or rescue you from somethig unbeneficial?"

"Do you support that which is wrong because it benefits you?"

"Do you give out money so that some certain benefits will come your way?"

Before we look at the top, let's look at ourselves.

Yes, many leaders have failed but what many fail to understand is that we all are leaders in our own little way.

The foundation of a great nation is righteousness which must be protected by all of us and not just the leaders.

Leaders are chosen from among the people, hence, if we all are defenders of truth and justice, our leaders will eventually be the same.

I pray for you today that God will be your shield and support.

As you venture out to work and business, you will succeed.

You are protected from harm. The blood of Jesus secures your life. No virus shall infect you in Jesus name.

Stay safe and have a Graced day.



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