Judge not

Spirit Breakfast 🍞☕ 30/6/2020 Text: Matthew 7:1 (New Living Translation) Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. I believe the text is self-explanatory as it can be. God never fashioned any man to act as the judge of men, only God Himself is qualified for that. To judge a person is to form an opinion about a person, come to a conclusion about such a person, and ultimately decide the fate or outcome of such a person's life. Jesus had to tell his listeners not to judge others because those who feel they are righteous (self-righteous) have the propensity to be judgemental about those they feel do not match up their standards. No human knows the heart and the end of another, hence, we lack the right capacity to judge others. To judge others is to bring one to condemnation. And even Jesus didn't condemn the worst of sinners that he encountered. Anyone can still change even at the point of death while on the cross. Stop being judgemental, stop seeing you...