Going to the ants V (Lessons on Hard work from the ants)

 Spirit Breakfast 🍞☕


Text: Proverbs 6:8 (New Living Translation)

[8] they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter.

Continued from yesterday.

Ants are the true definition of workaholic. An ant does not idle about. Anytime you see an ant there is a purpose for it being in that location.

Ants are always productive. Every action no matter how little and insignificant it might look is aimed at enhancing the overall productivity of the colony.

Ants have an internal understanding of time and seasons. They know there are seasons (rainy and winter) where they can't work. This makes them all the more dedicated to their work. 

Furthermore, ants have short life spans and they maximise every single day by contributing their little quota to the overall sustenance of the colony. 

How do we apply this?

Hard work is vital for success. I know so many have hyped smart work over hard work. The truth is, there is no difference between both.

What is regarded as smart work is actually hard work on the brains in most cases. Not everyone will engage in physical labour, but this does not mean those who don't aren't working hard. 

If smart work was easy, why isn't everybody working smart? It is because it is also hard. Henry Ford said, "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it."

Hard work is pertinent to ehancing productivity. Laziness and slothfulness will never produce anything worth celebrating. 

We must understand that there are times and seasons that are suitable for success. We also grow older with each passing day. 

The question is, how productive are you in these years when you still have the strength to labour and work hard?

Are the days passing by just like that or are you making each day count? Are you doing your own part in contributing to the overall development of your life, family, business, organisations you're in, your community, your society, and the world at large?

Does your day-to-day activities reflect and positively affect the goals you've set for yourself? Or you just engage in activities that don't add any value whatsoever to your overall development?

Ask yourself these questions and make appropriate adjustments.

"Without labour, nothing prospers" ~ Sophocles

Have a graced day...





#ants #wisdom #life #animals #insects #creatures #simplicity #basics #God #hardwork #labour #diligence #success


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